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How do I move my cert from one server or ISP to another?
Moving to another server is not as easy as simply moving the certificate. Moving to another server actually depends on whether you can:
1. Export your private key from your current ISP/ server in a standard format.
2. Import the private key into the new server.
If you are movi ...
1. Export your private key from your current ISP/ server in a standard format.
2. Import the private key into the new server.
If you are movi ...
The security padlock is not displayed in my browser when accessing my secure page!
First make sure that you are accessing your secure page via HTTPS. The padlock will not display if you use non-secure HTTP.
How can I check the size of my key or certificate?
Some web servers will display this information in the properties of your key or certificate. Or, you can connect to a secure page on your server using Internet Explorer (Netscape does not display this information). Internet Explorer: File | Properties > click on 'Certificate' for ...
What is a name server?
A name server is a program that listens for and answers requests for domain name information. When it is registered, each domain name must be associated with a minimum of two name servers (primary and secondary) and a maximum of thirteen.Name servers are typically of the format & ...
What is a dynamic Site Seal? Do I need one?
A dynamic site seal is a security icon graphic for you to display on your site. This prominently displayed smart site seal guarantees online visitors they will receive the highest level of encryption possible. Clicking the seal reveals the authenticity of your site.
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Why does my website need an SSL Certificate?
SSL certificates keep online interactions private even though they travel across the public Internet, and they help customers gain the confidence to provide personal information on your website. If you ask users of your website to sign in, enter personal data such as credit card ...
What is a domain name?
Similar to how your house address indicates where you live in the world, a domain name indicates where your computer's location is on the Internet. Organizations that do business over the Internet want domain names (addresses) that are easy to remember and that are closely re ...