Comodo SSL Certificates

Comodo - The World's Largest Certificate Authority.

Comodo is the largest CA in the world. With a wide array of product offerings, all with different validation levels, warranties and additional features-Comodo is sure to have the perfect security solution for any company or organization.

Comodo SSL Certificates
Comodo Positive SSL
Product ID Product Name Price Order
DV501 PositiveSSL (DV) SG$23.00
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DV502 PositiveSSL Wildcard (DV) SG$170.00
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DV503 PositiveSSL Multi-Domain (DV) SG$90.00
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DV504 PositiveSSL Multi-Domain Wildcard (DV) SG$320.00
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EV501 PositiveSSL EV SG$160.00
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EV502 PositiveSSL EV Multi-Domain SG$390.00
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Comodo Essential SSL
Product ID Product Name Price Order
DV505 EssentialSSL (DV) SG$34.00
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DV506 EssentialSSL Wildcard (DV) SG$170.00
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Comodo SSL Certificate
Product ID Product Name Price Order
DV507 Comodo SSL Certificate (DV) SG$90.00
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DV508 Comodo SSL Wildcard Certificate (DV) SG$290.00
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DV509 Comodo DV UCC SG$120.00
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OV505 Comodo Multi-Domain SSL (OV) SG$230.00
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OV506 Comodo Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL (OV) SG$440.00
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OV507 Comodo UCC (OV) SG$190.00
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OV508 Comodo UCC Wildcard (OV) SG$400.00
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OV509 Comodo Elite SSL (OV) SG$130.00
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EV503 Comodo EV SSL SG$270.00
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EV504 Comodo EV Multi-Domain SG$400.00
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SE501 PCI Scanning Enterprise Edition SG$130.00
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WA501 HackerGuardian PCI Scan Control Center SG$270.00
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WA502 HackerProof Trust Mark SG$940.00
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PA501 Comodo Personal Authentication Certificates SG$27.00
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PA502 Comodo Personal Authentication Pro Certificates SG$90.00
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PA503 Comodo Personal Authentication Enterprise Certificates SG$120.00
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CS501 Comodo Code Signing SG$430.00
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CS502 Comodo EV Code Signing SG$570.00
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Comodo Instant SSL
Product ID Product Name Price Order
OV501 InstantSSL (OV) SG$50.00
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OV502 InstantSSL Pro (OV) SG$80.00
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OV503 InstantSSL Premium (OV) SG$120.00
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OV504 InstantSSL Premium Wildcard (OV) SG$290.00
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Comodo Enterprise SSL
Product ID Product Name Price Order
OV510 EnterpriseSSL SG$540.00
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OV511 EnterpriseSSL Pro SG$1610.00
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OV512 EnterpriseSSL Pro Wildcard SG$4030.00
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EV505 EnterpriseSSL Pro with EV SG$2680.00
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EV506 EnterpriseSSL Pro with EV Multi-Domain SG$5370.00
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