.rugby 域名

Rugby is a popular form of football, or soccer, played predominantly in the United Kingdom, but increasingly popular as an international sport all over the world. .RUGBY offers a Web extension to the world of rugby, allowing teams, players, sponsors, fans, and affiliates the opportunity to help establish a credible and relevant namespace on the Web, while promoting networking between teams, countries, and levels. With .RUGBY, any rugby player or fan can find a home on the Internet.

.rugby 註冊要求

該域名註冊資格沒有任何限制,任何國家或地區的個人、公司或組織都可以按照 “先到先得” 的原則註冊 .rugby 域名。

.rugby 價格

註冊 HK$870.00/年
續費 HK$870.00/年
轉入 HK$870.00/年

需要幫助嗎?聯繫我們的支持團隊 在線客服